Hello friends!!!
Christina here...
This weekend the Winkles spent a lot of time in our front garden. We purchased a bunch of berry bushes, each for our own selfish reasons. I dream of making some homemade jam, while Trey dreams of creating his own yeast strain. Not for baking but for brewing. My husband is a bit of a beer nerd... I LOVE YOU HONEY!!!
So we headed off to Riddle Farm right off of highway 97. The place is huge!!! And we called around and really they had the most reasonable priced bushes. Plus they are right down the road from us. Yes, that is correct, the Winkles are proud westsiders... They bushes on average were about $20 a piece. We got two raspberry, two blueberry, 2 blackberry and 14 strawberry plants.

Since Trey only has 1 day off a week I planted the bushes. I love being in the garden. I just don't want anyone to think he is slacking... Actually while I did all of the manual labor outside he was inside sipping his fancy beer!!! LOL JUST JOKES! Seriously folks he was at work. He did however leave me with instructions. He wanted them in a straight line. Those of you who know my husband, you know when he says straight he means STRAIGHT. So I double and triple checked it. I almost went inside to grab the level.... Almost.
I dug all the holes first, then put the plants in to make sure they were perfectly aligned with each other. I think I did a pretty good job.
Vivian helped a bit.
After our planting, we did some snuggling and Vivian took her nap. Yes, I am guilty in the fact I still hold my 2 year old while she takes her nap. I don't always hold her the whole time while she sleeps, but I do for a bit. Who could pass up snuggles from her. She is too damn cute!
Vivian has a lot of her daddy in her, however, one thing she definitely gets from me is her love of peanut butter. My little bear woke up from her nap and wanted a snack. So peanut butter and apples here we come!